GRON E-Commerce Platform is an online e-commerce platform that connects the groceries retailers and suppliers to supply the groceries needs of the household customers. We enables greater reach of the retailers and suppliers to the customers apart from the traditional shopping method. It provides a channel for customers to buy their groceries via online and delivered to their doorstep.

We enable suppliers to market their business and have a wide range of customers to enjoy the grocery shopping in the comfort of their home. Customers have the privilege to either self-collect their purchases or request to deliver the items at their doorstep. It also enables retailers to log in online and book a bulk purchase quantities at competitive rates from our wholesalers. This enables the retailers to streamline their operation and optimize their supply chain effectively managing their inventory.

At the same time, GRON E-Commerce Platform also provide an income opportunity for interested parties via our affiliate, vendors, and investors partnership program.

GRON E-Commerce Platform is owned by GRON E-Commerce Sdn. Bhd. A private limited organization incorporated in Malaysia and located at Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER), Penang, Malaysia

What We Provide?

GRON E-Commerce provides daily groceries via online and at the same time income opportunity thru our referral, vendors, and investors partnership program.

Hassle Free & No Long Queues

We make your groceries shopping easy by removing the hassle of waiting in long queues. Finding parking lots and driving in heavy traffic will become your past stories.

Convenient Purchase From Home

Enjoy your groceries purchase at the convenience in your home without leaving your house.

Groceries Delivered To Your Doorstep

Groceries Delivered To Your Doorstep
We deliver you groceries right in front your door. Save your time and spend them in more value able activities like spending time with family.

Income Opportunity

Join us and participate in our various income opportunities programs. The GRON “Wealth Sharing Concept” provides various opportunities for you to earn an income.

Earn When You Share

Be a part of GRON Affiliate Partnership program and share GRON business idea with your family and friends. You will earn every month on the purchases the make.

Value Purchase For Money

GRON believes in providing good value for money. We are committed in providing quality products and services to our customers. This ensures you get good value for the money spend with us.

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