If you are not happy with your purchase, we will accept a return of a unused product within 24hours. Once we received the returned item www.gron.com.my will then give a full refund (excluding shipping as we are unable to refund the initial shipping cost of your order).Please allow 5-20 days for your return to be processed.

www.gron.com.my will not issue refunds for products purchased through other entities, such as distributors or retail partners.

We are unable to issue a refund without actual receipt of the item(s) or proof of received return delivery.

We aim to accept all returns. In the unlikely event that an item is returned to us in an unsuitable condition, we may have to send it back to you. All goods will be inspected on return.

Return Policy

Our Customer Service can be reached at customer_care@localhost and available to assist you should a problem arise with your order. Please inspect your packages immediately upon receipt and notify us promptly of any damage or discrepancies. Should an item, be delivered to you incorrectly, as the result of an error on our part, we will take quick and appropriate action to correct the problem.
We will do our best to fulfill requests to return materials. Returns accepted for items ordered and should be initiated with 24hrs from product delivery. We would highly advise our customer to check on the goods delivered are in order and in good condition on at the time or receiving them.

Replacement Policy

In case of any damage of goods we will replace the goods upon initiating replacement within 3 days of delivery and after returning the damaged goods we will replace the item within 5 to 20 business days.

Cancellation Policy

In case of cancellation of order before dispatching and within 3 days of the order given, the transaction amount will be refunded via same source within 5 to 20 working days.

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